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Truffle Melbourne

Truffle Paddock Pass The Truffle Honey 500gm

Truffle Condiments - sweet and savoury

Our honey comes from the urban beekeepers, Melbourne Rooftop Honey.

Great on toast and so much more. Drizzle over blue and white mould cheese, honeyed carrots, basting poultry, caramelise onions…..

Add to cart 500 g $45

Truffle Condiments - sweet and savoury

Growers and producers have developed an amazing array of truffle inspired condiments and spreads incorporating truffles, truffle aromas and truffle flavours. From mustards to honeys, salts or aioli, these condiments enliven almost any dish. Whilst we’re all familiar with the more traditional uses and applications of mustards, tapenades and aioli, some of the imported lines are so intensely flavoured they can easily stand alone- as a bruschetta topping, served on crostini or simply on fresh crusty bread.