Partnership Opportunities

Truffle Melbourne invites you to engage with our fiercely loyal and rapidly growing audience. As the largest truffle celebration outside Europe, our winter events program attracts more than 80,000 enthusiasts - from our big free weekend at Queen Victoria Market to our multi-event Dining and Hunt Programs held throughout June, July and August.

Whether "truffle tragics" or simply curious, our followers are keen to savour unique food and lifestyle experiences. We work with you to deliver those experiences and support them with great PR and engaging social media campaigns. We are Melbourne's most trusted authority on truffles too.

We share consumer and brand insights, and manage strategic and operational planning and execution with your team. We work closely with producers, chefs, restaurants, sponsors, exhibitors and other stakeholders.

Join us - you’ll be in good company and in the news!

Our 2022 partnership snapshot and program outline is available below:

Download our 2022 Partnerships Information [PDF]

Other opportunities include participating in our 2024 Dining Program and Exhibiting at our festival at the Queen Vic Market Festival Weekend. 

If you're interested in partnering or need further information, contact:

Nigel Wood,  Director
+61 (0)408 176 617